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at the Institute of Economic Research of the University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland, in the following fields: environmental economics, applied econometrics, behavioral economics, experimental economics, and information economics.
Job starts: 1 August 2025
Term: 4 years (renewable each year)
Location: Neuchâtel, Switzerland
Job description: The objective of the position is to write research papers in applied economics and ultimately earn a PhD in Economics. The successful candidate will work under the supervision of Prof. Bruno Lanz ( and have an interest in how microeconomic theory and behavioral economics can be used together with observational data, as well as lab and field experiments to produce policy-relevant conclusions. The appointment is renewable each year for a maximum of four years, and salary is in accordance with UniNE salary scales for doctoral students.
The candidate will be required to complete core PhD-level courses in economics as part of her/his doctoral work (e.g., and contribute to the teaching and supervision offered by the Institute at the bachelor’s and master’s level. S/he will also be expected to participate in the development and activities organized by the Institute (incl. the weekly seminar series). The University of Neuchâtel provides excellent conditions for research, and is conveniently located near the lake of Neuchâtel, with outstanding infrastructure and quality of life (
Applicant profile: The candidate should hold (or be close to finishing) a master’s degree in economics and have excellent skills in applied economic research. S/he should have a demonstrated interest in environmental economics, the design of economic experiments (lab and field), and/or behavioral economics. The candidate will also demonstrate a strong potential to produce high-quality research, which demands an excellent command of English. Knolwedge of French and a professional experience constitute an advantage. Candidates who have not taken the GRE should be prepared to do so by April 2025.
Application procedure: Applications should include a cover letter with a statement of motivation and research interests, a CV (with at least two academic referees who could be contacted for reference letters), a transcript of grades from a master’s degree, GRE scores (if available), and the candidate’s master’s dissertation. Candidates who have not yet completed their master’s degree should indicate this in their cover letter, append a list of already completed courses / grades by the time of the application, and describe their intended dissertation work in the cover letter.
Applications should be sent as a single pdf file to with the subject line “PhD application – [your surname]”. The deadline for applications is 28 February 2025. Only complete applications will be considered.
Further enquiries and questions can be sent via email to Prof. Bruno Lanz.
The University of Neuchâtel is an equal opportunity employer and provides non-discriminatory working conditions.
The University of Neuchâtel (UniNE) is located in the French speaking part of Switzerland, in a city that enjoys a central location.
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