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Universitetet i Agder

PhD Research Fellow in ICT

2025-02-20 (Europe/Oslo)
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About the position

A fixed-term 100% position is available at the University of Agder, Faculty of Engineering and Science as a PhD Research Fellow in cybersecurity for Electrical Smart Grid, affiliated to the Department of Information and Communication Technology for a period of three years. The position is located at Campus Grimstad. The starting date is as soon as possible or by agreement with the university.


The energy infrastructure is one of the most complex and critical infrastructures, as other sectors depend upon it to deliver their essential services. Therefore, unavailability in supply of energy has a high potential impact on the economy and proper functioning of the civil society that can last longer than the time of the incident itself.  The criticality of the energy sector and the possible high impact of cyber incidents and attacks are well understood and agreed among stakeholders. Consequently, there is an urgent need to protect energy systems to have secure energy supply. Since the energy sector is under continuous change digital technologies are playing an increasingly important role in the sector. A smarter energy system can provide power generation, transmission, network management and market-related tasks with better precision and faster response times than a human-dependent system. 

Cloud-based Operation systems or digitized transformer stations are forms of emerging solutions to support efficient electrical grid operations that utilize cloud technology. Use of IoT and AI to build a scalable platform will provide flexibility for both service providers and operational staff with incorporated security, testing capabilities and improved reliability. However, the increased efficiency resulting from digitalization of the electrical grid infrastructure comes with a price: increased exposure to cyber incidents and attacks. These threats apply to all - generation, transmission, distribution and process technologies, and to energy market services.

Unlike IT systems, a control system in the energy sector that is under attack cannot be easily disconnected from the network as this could potentially result in safety issues, and blackouts. Therefore, the anticipated PhD research focus areas will be information security and operational safety in the energy sector to support reliability and resilience of electrical grid infrastructure against cyber-attacks. By utilizing advanced monitoring and detection systems and hardware in the loop (HIL) testbeds, the candidate will work to develop robust cyber-defense solutions for critical infrastructure protection. 

Required qualifications

  • Master’s degree in cybersecurity engineering, computer and control systems engineering, ICT, computer science or a similar/related field. Candidates who are in the closing stages of their master’s degree can also apply.
  • System safety and security engineering.
  • Simulation and modeling for industrial systems. 
  • Written and spoken English proficiency. International candidates that are not exempt from the English language requirements pursuant to the guidelines of the Norwegian Agency for Quality Assurance in Education (NOKUT) must document this through one of the following tests with the stated results or better:
    • TOEFL - Test of English as a Foreign Language with a minimum score of 600 for the Paper-based Test (PBT), or 92 for the Internet-based Test (iBT)
    • IELTS - International English Language Testing System, with the result of 6.5
  • Technical expertise in the following areas: 
    • Background in ICT systems’ security 
    • Strong programming skills, especially in Python, MATLAB, and/or C/C++.

A prerequisite for employment is that the candidate is to be admitted to UiA’s PhD programme at the Faculty of Engineering and Science, Specialisation in Information- and Communication Technology (ICT)

Further provisions relating to the positions as PhD Research Fellows can be found in the Regulations Concerning Terms and Conditions of Employment for the post of Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, Research Fellow, Research Assistant and Resident.

Desired qualifications

  • Experience in operational technology, e.g., SCADA systems, autonomous systems.
  • Experience in electric power engineering (elkraft).
  • Experience in cybersecurity incident management.
  • Experience in machine learning/artificial intelligence methods.
  • Experience in simulation and modeling.

Applicants will be assessed on the basis of academic background and results, attainment, and any previous research and development work.

Finally, the research work will involve operators in critical infrastructure and accessing critical infrastructure information, as the candidate will be offered a 20% (part-time) position at the electricity grid operator in the region. Thus, it is subject to the National Security Act, and the candidate must be able to pass a background check and must be able to obtain security clearance and authorization.

Personal qualities

Personal suitability, good teamwork and communication skills, inventiveness, and a proactive approach will be emphasized in the evaluation as well as relevant practical experience. The PhD Research Fellow will be expected to contribute to an active research community that promotes the personal and professional growth of the doctoral candidate. The position places great demands on the applicant’s capacity for independent goal-oriented work, ability to concentrate and attention to detail. 

We offer

  • Training to publish in the top journals and conferences in the covered areas.
  • Professional development in a large, exciting and socially influential organization 
  • International collaborations with industrial partners 
  • A positive, inclusive and diverse working environment 
  • Modern facilities and a comprehensive set of welfare offers 
  • Membership of the Norwegian Public Service Pension Fund 

More about working at UiA.

The position is remunerated according to the State Salary Scale, salary plan 17.515, code 1017 PhD Research Fellow, NOK 536 200 gross salary per year. A compulsory pension contribution to the Norwegian Public Service Pension Fund is deducted from the pay according to current statutory provisions. 

General information

UiA is an open and inclusive university. We believe that diversity enriches the workplace and makes us better. We, therefore, encourage qualified candidates to apply for the position independent of gender, age, cultural background, disability or an incomplete CV.

Women are strongly encouraged to apply for the position. 

The successful applicant will have rights and obligations in accordance with the current regulations for the position, and organizational changes and changes in the duties and responsibilities of the position must be expected. The engagement is to be made in accordance with the regulations in force concerning the acts relating to Control of the Export of Strategic Goods, Services and Technology. Appointments are made by the University of Agder’s Appointments Committee for Teaching and Research Positions. 

Short-listed applicants will be invited for interview. With the applicant’s permission, UiA will also conduct a reference check before appointment. Read more about the employment process.

In accordance with the Freedom of Information Act § 25 (2), applicants may request that they are not identified in the open list of applicants. The University, however, reserves the right to publish the names of applicants. Applicants will be advised of the University’s intention to exercise this right.


The application and any necessary information about education and experience (including diplomas and certificates) are to be sent electronically. Use the link "Apply for this job".

The following documentation must be uploaded electronically: 

  • Motivation letter.
  • Complete post-secondary transcript of all academic degrees. When attaching a non-Norwegian academic transcript that does not include a description of the grading system (e.g. maximum grade and minimum passing grade) used by the issuing institution, a (preferably official) description should also be attached. The description may simply contain a link to an official website where the grading system is explained.
  • Updated CV with a complete list of scientific publications
  • Master thesis or link
  • Up to 5 representative publications or links
  • A description of the applicant’s research interests the relevance of your expertise to the advertised position and a preliminary work plan
  • Applicants who are required to document their English proficiency must submit their TOEFL or IELTS test results (these may be forwarded after the closing date)

The applicant is fully responsible for submitting complete digital documentation before the closing date. All documentation must be available in English or in a Scandinavian language.

Application deadline: 20.02.25


For questions about the position: 

For questions about the application process:

HR-advisor Heidi Kristensen, tel. +47 38 14 13 79, e-mail:

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PhD Research Fellow in ICT
Universitetsveien 25 Kristiansand, Norge
2025-02-20 23:59 (Europe/Oslo)
2025-02-20 23:59 (CET)
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