MINES Saint-Étienne

Junior Professor Chair - Open position of Associate Professor (Maitre de conferences) in Virtual metallurgy for a sustainable industry of the future– Titularization in the Professors' corps at the end of a 3 to 6-year contract

2024-08-31 (Europe/Paris)
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Supporting establishment/organization: IMT - Mines Saint-Etienne

Name of School Director: Jacques FAYOLLE

Site concerned : Mines Saint-Etienne – Center for Materials and Structural Science

Project name : Virtual metallurgy for a sustainable industry of the future

Keywords : Numerical modeling / Metallurgy / Additive manufacturing / Microstructures

Scientific theme : Virtual metallurgy, Alloy design, Additive manufacturing

Target duration of the project : 3 at 6 years

Corps tenured : Titularization Professors’ corps at the Institut Mines Télécom at the end of the 3 to 6-year contract


Mines Saint-Etienne (MSE), one of the graduate schools of Institut Mines Télécom, the #1 group of graduate schools of engineering and management in France under the supervision of the Ministry of the Economy, Industry and Digital Technology, is assigned missions of education, research and innovation, transfer to industry and scientific, technological and industrial culture.

MSE consists of 2,400 graduate and postgraduate students, 480 staff, a consolidated budget of €46M, three sites on the Saint-Etienne campus (Auvergne Rhone-Alpes region, Lyon Saint-Etienne metropolitan area), a campus in Gardanne (SUD region, Aix Marseille metropolitan area), a site in Lyon within the digital campus of Auvergne Rhone-Alpes Region, six research units, five teaching and research centres and one of the leading French science community centres (La Rotonde €1M budget and +40,000 visitors per year). The Times Higher Education World University Ranking ranked us for 2022 in the 251-300 range for Engineering and Technology. Our work environment is characterised by high Faculty-to-Student, Staff-to-Faculty and PhD-to-Faculty ratios, as well as comprehensive state-of-the-art experimental and computational facilities for research, teaching and transfer to industry.

The Center for Materials and Structural Sciences (SMS Center) conducts research and educational activities in the field of mechanics and physics of materials, focusing on metals, composites, and ceramics. Its activities, experimental and numerical, concern the optimization of the in-service properties of volumetric and/or surface materials. The Center offers training programs at all levels of education at the Saint-Etienne Mines. To support its activities, the SMS Center relies on its experimental characterization facilities and industrial technologic platforms. In particular, it houses a platform dedicated to the development and modification of model alloys for the study of specific compositions, as well as an additive manufacturing facility using Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing (WAAM) technology. This enables the production of large components as well as the repair, strengthening or functional enhancement of existing parts. The materials science research conducted at the SMS Center is housed in the Georges Friedel Laboratory (LGF, UMR 5307 CNRS), which brings together the skills of the École des Mines de Saint-Étienne in the fields of materials, mechanics and processes, in partnership with industry to solve the challenges of sustainability, energy efficiency and the transformation of materials into industrial components.

The main activity of the PMM (Physics and Mechanics applied to Metallurgy) team at the LGF laboratory focuses on the measurement, modelling and prediction of microstructural evolution resulting from advanced forming and manufacturing processes. In addition, the team is also engaged in the development of alloy design methodologies, using their expertise in development processes to evaluate the performance of newly designed alloys. The team's work benefits from LGF's intensive computational resources, which facilitate the development and maintenance of internal codes dedicated to alloy design, material characterization methods, and microstructural evolution simulation.

The position focuses on the development of numerical tools for the design of new metallic materials and tailor-made microstructures to facilitate the production of high-performance and environmentally friendly innovative materials. The development of digital solutions combining physics-based models, artificial intelligence (machine learning) models and database analysis will open new perspectives in the aerospace, automotive, energy and industrial sectors. This approach will enable the exploration of new high-performance materials and the optimization of existing materials, for example to reduce carbon footprints or promote the use of recycled materials.

The junior professor chair is intended for researchers in the first part of their career, with strong potential for supervising and leading a research team, as well as the ability to participate in national, European or international projects.

The chair will receive € 200k in ANR funding.

This recruitment system is part of the research programming law. The terms of this recruitment are taken pursuant to Decree No. 2021-1710 of December 17, 2021 relating to the junior professor chair contract.


The research and teaching activities will be carried out on the Saint-Etienne campus. Occasional involvement in the other campus’ activities is possible. Associated transport and accommodation costs will be covered if necessary.

  • Teaching

The teaching mission consists of giving courses, tutorials and practical work, as well as supervising projects and internships, mainly within the Civil Mining Engineer and Research Masters programs. The candidate should have broad expertise in materials, physics, mechanics and processes and actively contribute to courses and tutorials on digital methods applied to materials science, among other advanced courses, projects and training initiatives. These courses may include Ph.D., post-graduate and professional training (ISTP). The appointed person will play an active role in the educational teams responsible for the above-mentioned programs. Therefore, the design of new activities and the use of innovative teaching methods, in particular the use of digital tools, are essential components of the teaching role. Fluency in English is required.

  • Research

The research mission addresses the challenge of computational design of new metallic materials, integrating new constraints of sustainability, sovereignty, frugality, and holistic considerations of sustainable development. Materials design must be understood in a broad sense, including the optimization of alloy chemical composition, microstructure, and the development of internal architectures (metamaterials). The successful candidate will ideally specialize in one or more of these areas. S/he will have access to an intensive computing center (cluster) with significant parallel computing resources. In addition, his/her work will benefit from the almost unique capabilities of the LGF, either in the production of model alloys using the cold crucible technique, or in the development of architected materials using additive manufacturing techniques to evaluate the performance of the designed materials.


The candidate should hold a PhD degree in the field of Materials Science and Engineering and/or Mechanics with a strong emphasis on the development of digital approaches. A French CNU habilitation in section 28, 33 or 60 will be considered but is not mandatory.

The recruited person will contribute to strengthening the expertise in new materials design and microstructure control through digital modelling. Using metallurgical and thermodynamic models developed within the PMM team, he/she will lead the development and optimization of alloys and processes to achieve improved trade-offs in mechanical properties and durability of materials. The ideal candidate will have a strong background in physical metallurgy and the use of numerical methods, combined with a keen interest in exploring machine learning and artificial intelligence techniques in general to analyze and predict trends and future directions in materials development.

Command of the English language is essential. Given the envisioned international development projects, a significant international experience is strongly favoured. Otherwise, an international mobility with a foreign partner institution should be carried-out during the three years following recruitment.

The successful candidate must:

  • Have demonstrated research and/or industrial transfer capabilities (publications, patents, conferences, participation in industrial or collaborative projects, etc.).
  • Be able to innovate in teaching and research methods.
  • Must be able to work in a team in an international environment to ensure the link and collaboration between academic and industrial actors around common themes and projects.

Candidate assessment criteria :

Main candidate evaluation criteria (non-exhaustive list):

  • The capacity to actively contribute to and eventually take the lead in the "alloy design" domain, especially concerning the management of critical resources, thriftiness, and eco-responsibility,
  • Ability to contribute to LGF's research fields related to the development of advanced materials elaboration and processing,
  • Scientific production: number and impact of publications in journals and conferences indexed by the main electronic databases (Scopus, Web of Science, PubMed, Nature Index, arXiv.org, etc.), animation of national and international workshops,
  • Significant teaching experience (production of digital courses, books, etc.) in the above-mentioned fields at the second or third cycle level,
  • Achievements in the implementation of new forms of education,
  • Capacity to integrate in the project of the team and the research laboratory.
  • Experience in partnership research: direct industrial partnerships, collaborative research, support for start-ups, etc.
  • International experience and/or partnerships,
  • Proficiency in English demonstrated by significant international experience,
  • Ability to work in a team,
  • Implementation of new projects,
  • Desire to establish international collaborations.

The jury will assess the candidate's ability to defend a Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches (HDR) within 3 to 6 years of recruitment.


Institut Mines-Telecom is characterised by: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m39m6hdNC48

  • A scientific environment of excellence
  • A group with entities throughout France

Mines Saint-Etienne is distinguished by:

  • A privileged working environment with a high student supervision rate and a high environment rate (support and back-up functions)
  • First-rate experimental and digital resources
  • Significant contract research activity (€11m/year in Research and Innovation contracts),

mainly with industrial partners

  • For 83 % of employees, the Quality of Life at work at Mines Saint-Etienne is considered good or satisfactory (February 2024 survey)
  • 25 % international students, Member of the T.I.M.E. network and the EULIST European University
  • A centre for scientific, technical and industrial culture - La Rotonde - which is unique in France, and which has a major impact on society (> 50,000 visitors per year)
  • Pleasant workplace, easily accessible by public transport and close to motorways
  • Public transport costs reimbursed up to 75 % (subject to conditions)
  • Sustainable mobility package
  • Staff committee that subsidises sports, leisure, cultural and social events and activities
  • The possibility of partial remote working
  • 49 days annual leave


Recruitment Conditions

  • Fixed-term contract as junior professor of public law for 3 at 6 years as a senior lecturer in IMT management.

Then, at the end of the 3 to 6-year fixed-term contract, tenure in the teaching corps is awarded according to the following conditions:

  • Validation by the tenure commission after a hearing at the end of the 3 to 6-year fixed-term contract.
    • HDR obtained before the end of the 3 to 6-year fixed-term contract
    • be a national of a member state of the European Union or of another state party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area (Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein) at the end of the 3 to 6-year fixed-term contract.
  • Desired start date : 1st October or 1st November 2024
  • Remuneration: the person recruited will receive a minimum monthly salary of 3,443.50 euros gross, i.e. 41,322 euros gross per annum as a senior lecturer. The final salary will be set when recruitment is finalized, and will depend on the candidate's professional experience. The salary will be reviewed during the titularization.
  • Full-time
  • Position based in Saint-Étienne (42)

The position is open to all, with accommodation available on request for candidates with disabilities. The job is open to civil servants and/ or the general public.

All applications may be subject to an administrative enquiry.

How to apply :

The application file should include:

  • An application cover letter
  • A curriculum vitae outlining teaching activities, research work and where appropriate, relations with economic and industrial sectors (maximum 10 pages)
  • Recommendation letters, at the discretion of the candidate,
  • A copy of the Doctorate diploma (or PhD),
  • A copy of an identity document

These documents should be submitted on the platform RECRUITEE by August 31, 2024 at the latest : https://institutminestelecom.recruitee.com/o/chaire-de-professeur-junior-une-ou-un-maitre-de- conferences-en-metallurgie-virtuelle-pour-une-industrie-du-futur-soutenable-2

As part of its Equality, Diversity and Inclusion policy, the École des Mines de Saint Etienne is an employer concerned about fair treatment between applications.

Audition organization :

Only candidates previously selected on file by the hiring commission will be summoned to the hearing. In accordance with the procedure for recruiting lecturers (contractual IMT Management Executives), this hearing will take place in two parts :

  • Presentation of the candidate (15 min.) : achievements and project to develop activities in the School: training, research and transfers to economic actors (industry, business, etc.)
  • Free exchange between the candidate and the members of the jury (30 min.) to assess the candidate's scientific and general knowledge
  • Part of the exchanges will be in English.

Further information

For further information concerning the position, contact :

Christophe DESRAYAUD, Director of the SMS center Tel 04 77 42 00 14

Mel : cdesray@emse.fr

Julien FAVRE, Head of the PMM Department Tel 04 77 42 00 55

Mel : julien.favre@emse.fr

For further administrative information, contact : Julie JAFFRE – Human Resources

Tel 04 77 42 00 17

Mel : julie.jaffre@emse.fr

Useful links :

https://www.mines-stetienne.fr/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QUeuC5iQiN0 https://www.imt.fr/

Protecting your data:

https://www.mines-stetienne.fr/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/Informations-des-candidats-sur-les- traitements-de-donn%C3%A9es-personnelles.pdf


Junior Professor Chair - Open position of Associate Professor (Maitre de conferences) in Virtual metallurgy for a sustainable industry of the future– Titularization in the Professors' corps at the end of a 3 to 6-year contract
158, cours Fauriel CS 62362 Saint-Etienne, Frankrike
2024-08-31 23:59 (Europe/Paris)
2024-08-31 23:59 (CET)
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