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Cookies are small text files that are being placed on your computer or mobile device when you browse a website. They will remember you and your choices to help the browser save information and settings. The cookies store very little personal information and are mostly used to gather general information such as the user’s location and not to find your personally identifying information. Since the role of cookies is to enhance/enable usability or site processes blocking cookies may prevent you from using certain websites.
We use cookies to make your user experience better and faster.
The main reason for us using cookies is to gather visitor statistics via Google Analytics to help us understand our users and how to enhance our service. This information is anonymous and we use it to get a good view of how our website is being used and how we can develop it to be even better.
We gather information such as:
How many people have visited our website
What type of device and technology they are using
Their screen resolution
Which pages they are looking at
For how long they are staying on every page
What country they’re from
We also use cookies if you’re a user logging in to your account. Your login information will be
stored in a session cookie, which means that you will stay logged in even if you browse other
websites and then come back to our website. However the session cookie is only stored until you log
out or close your browser.
By visiting us and allowing cookies in your browser settings, you are giving us the permission to use cookies on our website.
You can disable the use of cookies in your browser settings, however if you do this you may experience that our website, and many other websites, do not work properly. For information on how to manage cookies, visit
To read more about what cookies are and what they do, you can click on any of the links below.