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Denne innstillingen kontrollerer språket for brukergrensesnittet, inkludert knapper, menyer og all tekst på nettstedet. Velg ditt foretrukne språk for best brukeropplevelse.

Velg språk for stillingsannonser

Velg språkene for stillingsannonser du vil se. Denne innstillingen bestemmer hvilke stillingsannonser som vises for deg.


Terms of use

The following terms and conditions, as well as applicable Swedish laws and regulations apply to use of all Academic Positions websites or any Academic Positions products, software and services provided on, from, or through Academic Positions websites (collectively the “Service”). By using the material on Academic Positions websites, it is assumed that the visitor accepts these terms of use, without limitation or reservation and affirms that these terms of use supersede any other agreements between the visitor and Academic Positions.

Academic Positions reserves the right to the Service and its content. Users of the Service do not have the right, in any way, to copy, reproduce, store, move, distribute, publish, save or add any other material which is connected to the Service, (including text, images, trademarks, logos and graphics), without written permission from Academic Positions.

Legal use

Information about the Service may not be copied, processed or used without written permission from Academic Positions. Violations of these conditions can lead to legal action, damages and withdrawal of the right to use our services.

Intellectual property

Copyright and other intellectual properties, to content and design within the Service, including text, documents, graphics, pictures, sound, databases, software and services is owned by Academic Positions or a third party. Pictures, text or other material are not allowed to be copied without written permission from Academic Positions.

Changes to the terms

Academic Positions reserves the right to update, change, add or remove material included in the service and restrict access to our service without prior notice, at any time, at its discretion. Academic Positions have, at any time, the right to modify the terms of use, the content and choice of services.


The service may include hyperlinks to other websites that are not owned or controlled by Academic Positions. Academic Positions has no control over, and assumes no responsibility for, the content, privacy policies, or practices of any third party websites.