Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB)

Full-time research and teaching assistant position in chemistry - Faculty of sciences

2024-07-18 (Europe/Brussels)
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Reference : 2024/S264

Application deadline: 18/07/2024 

Start date : 01/10/2024

Job Description

This position is intended for candidates wishing to undertake a PhD in Science in the field of chemistry. The work includes two aspects: a research activity in chemistry on the one hand, and on the other hand the supervision of practical work and exercise sessions (about 300 hours per year) for courses in the undergraduate program, mainly in general chemistry and/or organical chemistry. As part of the doctoral thesis that they will carry out in parallel, they will conduct research that is part of the activities of one of the laboratories of the Chemistry Department (listed at the address https://sciences.ulb.be/departement-chimie). 

Each candidate must have made prior contact with one of the members of the Academic Staff of the Department, who would agree to supervise him/her for the doctoral research. The assistant position provides a rich experience in the field of higher education, and also constitutes privileged access to the doctorate. The salary conditions are competitive.

A first term of two years is given, renewable maximum twice for two years each time after advice from the competent committees.

Skills required 

A licence or master’s degree (120 ECTS) in chemistry or a degree equivalent, and satisfy to the conditions of access to the doctorate degree.

  • High level of scientific knowledge in chemistry.
  • Excellent teaching skills.
  • Ability to work effectively as part of a teaching team.
  • Punctuality and reliability in the execution of logistical tasks.
  • Excellent knowledge of French.

Courses covered

Exercises and practical work in first cycle chemistry, mainly in general chemistry (CHIM-F-101) and/or organical chemistry (CHIM-F-102, CHIM-F-204 et CHIM-F-301).


For more information, please contact Prof Thierry Visart (E-mail: Thierry.visart.de.bocarme@ulb.be ), Head of the Department of Chemistry.

Your application will consist of a Curriculum Vitae (if you wish, a standard CV can be downloaded from the website: https: //www.ulb.be/fr/documents-officiels/emplois-academiques-et-scientifiques-cv-type) and a document completed using the template available at this URL address https://www.ulb.be/fr/documents-officiels/4e-applic-form-assistant-docx. This template structures your application by including the following elements:

  • an application letter 
  • a note on the applicant’s PhD research project (4 pages)
  • two letters of reference

Incomplete applications or applications that do not use the template provided will not be examined by the selection committee.

Equal opportunities policy

ULB's personnel management policy is geared towards diversity and equal opportunities.

We recruit candidates on the basis of their skills, irrespective of age, gender, sexual orientation, origin, nationality, beliefs, disability, etc.

Would you like to be provided with reasonable accommodation in the selection procedure because of a disability, disorder, or illness?  Please contact Marie Botty, the person in charge of diversity aspects for the academic and scientific staff (marie.botty@ulb.be). Be assured of the confidentiality of this information.

More details on the ULB gender and diversity policy are available at https://www.ulb.be/en/diversity/gender-equality

You will find all the regulations relating to research careers on our site at http://www.ulb.ac.be/emploi/academique.html.


Full-time research and teaching assistant position in chemistry - Faculty of sciences
Avenue Franklin Roosevelt 50 Brussel, Belgia
2024-07-18 23:59 (Europe/Brussels)
2024-07-18 23:59 (CET)
Lagre jobben

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