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ETH Zürich

Professor / Assistant Professor (Tenure Track) of Quantum Correlated Condensed and Synthetic Matter

2024-12-31 (Europe/Zurich)
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ETH Zürich is well known for its excellent education, ground-breaking fundamental research and for implementing its results directly into practice.

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The Department of Physics (www.phys.ethz.ch) at ETH Zurich invites applications for the above-mentioned position.

Successful candidates will maintain an outstanding research programme in low energy theory, encompassing condensed matter, statistical physics, and quantum science. The new professor is expected to be an effective and enthusiastic teacher who will develop and teach courses in theoretical physics at bachelor (in German or English) and master (in English) level. The Institute for Theoretical Physics and the Department of Physics at ETH Zurich offer a stimulating environment in many areas of research, including theoretical, mathematical, and computational physics, condensed matter and atomic physics, quantum optics, astrophysics and high-energy physics.

Assistant professorships have been established to promote the careers of younger scientists. ETH Zurich implements a tenure track system equivalent to that of other top international universities.

ETH Zurich is an equal opportunity and family-friendly employer, values diversity, and is responsive to the needs of dual-career couples.

Please apply online: www.facultyaffairs.ethz.ch

Applications should include a curriculum vitae, a list of publications, a statement of future research and teaching interests, a description of the leadership philosophy, a description of the three most important achievements, and a certificate of the highest degree. The letter of application should be addressed to the President of ETH Zurich, Prof. Dr. Joël Mesot. The closing date for applications is 31 December 2024.


Professor / Assistant Professor (Tenure Track) of Quantum Correlated Condensed and Synthetic Matter
Rämistrasse 101 Zúrich, Suiza
Fecha límite de aplicación
2024-12-31 23:59 (Europe/Zurich)
2024-12-31 23:59 (CET)
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ETH Zürich is well known for its excellent education, ground-breaking fundamental research and for implementing its results directly into practice.

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