German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ)

PhD Positions in Cancer Research

2025-04-24 (Europe/Berlin)
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Are you looking for excellent research opportunities for your PhD studies at the forefront of cancer research? The German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) in Heidelberg invites international students holding a Master’s degree in (molecular) biology, (bio-)chemistry, (bio-)physics, computational biology, computer science, epidemiology/public health studies and related subjects to apply for the International PhD Program.

PhD students are supported by a Thesis Advisory Committee, participate in scientific and professional skills courses, attend international conferences and receive career development support. The language of the PhD program is English. Full funding is provided for the duration of the PhD, either by the DKFZ, third party sources or in collaboration with the DAAD within their Graduate School Scholarship Program.

Research at the DKFZ is organized into the following programs with a lot of interaction and interdisciplinary PhD projects available across different topics:

For more information and to apply online visit

Do you want to join our lively and international community of over 500 PhD students to do your PhD at Germany’s largest biomedical research institute? Then apply now!

Application Deadline: 24th April 2025


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Om arbeidsgiveren

The German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) is Germany’s largest biomedical research institute focusing on research against cancer.

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