VISTA la Legge 9 maggio 1989, n. 168 concernente, tra l’altro, l’autonomia delle Università;
VISTA la Legge 7 agosto 1990, n. 241 e successive modificazioni ed integrazioni, recante nuove norme in materia di procedimento amministrativo e di diritto di accesso ai documenti amministrativi;
VISTO il D. Lgs. 11 aprile 2006, n. 198 "Codice delle pari opportunità tra uomo e donna, a norma dell'art. 6 della Legge 28 novembre 2005, n. 246", e successive modifiche intervenute;
VISTO il Decreto Legislativo 10 agosto 2018, n. 101, recante “Disposizioni per l'adeguamento della normativa nazionale alle disposizioni del regolamento (UE) 2016/679 del Parlamento europeo e del Consiglio, del 27 aprile 2016, relativo alla protezione delle persone fisiche con riguardo al trattamento dei dati personali, nonché alla libera circolazione di tali dati e che abroga la direttiva 95/46/CE (regolamento generale sulla protezione dei dati)”;
VISTI il D.Lgs. 30 giugno 2003, n. 196, e successive integrazioni e modificazioni, e il D.lgs. 18 maggio 2018 n. 51, in attuazione della direttiva (UE) 2016/680 del Parlamento europeo e del Consiglio, del 27 aprile 2016, relativa alla protezione delle persone fisiche con riguardo al trattamento dei dati personali;
VISTO il D. Lgs. 14 marzo 2013, n. 33 “Riordino della disciplina riguardante gli obblighi di pubblicità, trasparenza e diffusione di informazioni da parte delle Pubbliche Amministrazioni”;
VISTO il D.P.R. 28 dicembre 2000, n. 445 recante il Testo Unico delle disposizioni legislative e regolamentari in materia di documentazione amministrativa;
VISTO l'art. 22 della Legge 30 dicembre 2010, n. 240, nella versione del testo previgente alle modifiche introdotte con il Decreto-Legge 30 aprile 2022, n. 36, convertito con modificazioni dalla Legge 29 giugno 2022, n. 79;
VISTO il Decreto Ministeriale 9 marzo 2011, n. 102 con il quale il MIUR ha rideterminato l’importo minimo degli assegni di ricerca ai sensi della. L.240/2010;
VISTO l'art.14, comma 6-quaterdecies del Decreto Legge 30 aprile 2022, n.36, convertito con modificazioni dalla Legge 29 giugno 2022, n.79, che detta una disciplina transitoria per gli assegni di ricerca che potranno continuare ad essere attivati per i 180 giorni dalla data di entrata in vigore della legge (30 giugno 2022) fino al 27 dicembre 2022, termine poi prorogato al 31 dicembre 2023, a condizione che le relative risorse siano state programmate alla data di entrata in vigore della legge, ovvero che le stesse siano oggetto di delibera dagli Organi di Governo dell’Ateneo entro il predetto termine di 180 giorni;
VISTO il Decreto-legge 30 dicembre 2023, n. 215 convertito con modificazioni dalla L. 23 febbraio 2024, n. 18, con il quale è stata disposta l’ulteriore proroga del suddetto periodo transitorio per l’attivazione degli assegni di ricerca fino al 31/07/2024;
VISTO lo Statuto di Ateneo, emanato con Decreto Rettorale n. 480 del 08/06/2012 e modificato da ultimo con Decreto Rettorale n. 185/19 del 11.03.2019;
VISTO il Regolamento di Ateneo per il conferimento degli assegni per la collaborazione ad attività di ricerca, emanato con D.R. n. 357/11 del 27.04.2011 e successive modificazioni, disposte da ultimo con D.R. n. 98/22 del 25.02.2022;
VISTA l’iniziativa ‘SeedTalent’ @ UNITUS Grants avviata dall’Ateneo per la valorizzazione e l’attrazione di giovani ricercatori di talento con la quale si conferma l’impegno dell’Ateneo nel promuovere la ricerca d'impatto, rafforzare la sua attrattiva per i ricercatori di talento e rinnovare il suo sostegno per coloro che sono interessati a presentare domanda per le borse di ricerca "Starting Grant" erogate del Consiglio europeo della ricerca (CER) o Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) “Postdoctoral Fellowships”, entrambi nell'ambito del pilastro "Excellent Science" di Horizon Europe con l'Università della Tuscia come istituto ospitante;
VISTA la classificazione dei settori ERC adottata dallo European Research Council;
TENUTO CONTO che Decreto Rettorale n. 260/2024 del 30/05/2024 è stata autorizzata la pubblicazione di un bando per n. 10 posizioni di assegni di ricerca ricerca per la quarta edizione dell’iniziativa attrazione dei talenti “SeedTalent@UNITUS Grants” a valere sullo stanziamento disponibile sulla UPB 1DIV.SRPL.URI;
RITENUTO di dover dare ampia pubblicità al suddetto bando al fine di consentire la massima diffusione possibile tra i potenziali candidati, anche residenti all’estero e a tale scopo di stabilire un termine per la presentazione delle domande di 90 giorni dalla data di pubblicazione;
VERIFICATA la disponibilità delle necessarie risorse finanziarie;
La spesa per i predetti assegni di ricerca ammonta a complessivi euro 300.000,00 e sarà a carico del cap. S10109, conto C10114, UPB: 1DIV.SRPL.URI per € 300.000,00 del bilancio dell’e.f. 2024.
Avv. Alessandra Moscatelli
Direttore Generale
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The General Director
SeedTalent @UNITUS Grants
(in compliance with art. 22, Law 240/2010 and following changes) CONSIDERING Law no. 168, 09 May 1989;
CONSIDERING Law no. 241, 07 August 1991;
CONSIDERING Legislative Decrees no. 196, 2003 and no. 51, 18 May 2018;
CONSIDERING Law no. 240, 30 December 2010, article 22, paragraph 4, letter a);
CONSIDERING Legislative Decree no. 33, 14 March 2013;
CONSIDERING the Decree of the President of the Republic no. 445, 28 December 2000; CONSIDERING the Statute of The University of Tuscia;
CONSIDERING the internal regulation for the awarding of research grants;
CONSIDERING the “SeedTalent @UNITUS Grants” Initiative for talent valorization and attraction of talented young researchers, confirming the University's commitment to promoting impact research, strengthening its attractiveness for talented researchers and renewing its support for those interested in applying for the "Starting Grants" research grants awarded by the European Research Council (ERC) or Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) "Postdoctoral Fellowships", both under the "Excellent Science" pillar of Horizon Europe with the University of Tuscia as the host institution;
The University of Tuscia has launched a selection procedure based on qualification of applicants and on interview feedback for the recruitment of n. 10 postdoctoral research fellows that cover all fields of research in the three European Research Council (ERC) domains: Physical Sciences and Engineering (PE), Life Sciences (LS), and Social Sciences and Humanities (SH).
The ten postdoctoral fellows will have to carry on research activities finalized to apply for the "Starting Grant" research grants awarded by the European Research Council (ERC) or for the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) "Postdoctoral Fellowships" under Horizon Europe programme.
The ten postdoctoral positions are distributed across three ERC large research domains as follows:
ERC research domain | N. of postdoctoral research fellowships |
Social Sciences and Humanities (SH) | 5 |
Physical Sciences and Engineering (PE) |
5 |
Life Sciences (LS) |
In the event that the number of candidates selected in the SH research domain is less than five, the available positions will be attributed to candidates placed in the ranking of the PE and LS research domains, according to the order of merit ranking.
All those who have earned a PhD, or equivalent degree earned abroad, for a maximum of 5 years at the time of the deadline for applications can apply for this Call.
Applicants holding a PhD degree earned abroad must enclose with the application form an English translation of the degree along with a self-declaration of conformity of the translation with the original. Applicants must present IELTS for Academic Purposes exam certification (with individual section scores for reading, writing, listening, and speaking of 7.0 or higher, or TOEFL iBT (with a minimum score of 90 points) for English by the deadline for applications.
The ownership of the fellowship is not compatible with enrollment in bachelor's, master's or single- cyle master's degree courses, PhD courses with scholarship, and specialization schools in Italy or abroad. The ownership of the fellowship is also incompatible with enrollment in another school or course that provides for compulsory attendance, unless otherwise motivated by the scientific coordinator and the hosting department.
Applicants must fill in the application form attached to this call. The application form must be peremptorily completed (under penalty of exclusion from the selection procedure) and sent by 9 September 2024 by certified e-mail to the address:, or sent by registered mail with return receipt addressed to: University of Tuscia – Director General – Via Santa Maria in Gradi n. 4, 01100 Viterbo.
Otherwise, the application will be considered inadmissible. For shipping via registered mail, the date of the stamp of the accepting post office will be considered valid.
In the subject of the PEC mail or of the envelope of the letter it is compulsory to indicate: "SeedTalent call for application 2024".
All documents must be digitally signed or alternatively printed, signed, and scanned together with a photocopy of a valid identity document of the applicant. The timely submission of the application is the responsibility of the sender who will have the "Delivery" receipt of the certified email as proof of successful delivery.
The application must be submitted through the attached application form (Annex 1) together with the following documents:
The Administration reserves the right to request applicants to produce full documentation of the publications indicated in the list and any other attachments included in the application.
In compliance with the transparency obligations pursuant to Legislative Decree 14/03/2013 n. 33 this competition announcement will be published at the following link.
The minutes of the selection committee will also be published at the same link.
Application forms will be assessed by a selection committee appointed by the Director General, and composed of a minimum of 6 and a maximum of 9 members, representative of all ERC research domains.
For the evaluation of applicants, the committee can allocate a maximum of 100 points for each candidate, of which 35 are allocated for the qualifications of the scientific-professional curriculum, 25 for the research proposal, and the remaining 40 for the interview. Within such limits, the committee proceeds first to divide the total points among specific criteria.
For the definition of the evaluation criteria the committee could consider the following qualifications:
The evaluation of qualifications and research proposal precedes the interviews and the results will be made known to the applicants by publication on our website via this link.
The date and place of the interviews will be communicated to the applicants at least 10 days in advance, by publication on the website mentioned above with reference to the subject concerned.
Applicants who earn more than 30 points in the qualifications and research proposal evaluation are admitted to the interview.
The interview aims to assess the contents of the proposed research and the applicant’s scientific productivity as well as skills, attitudes, and competences. The committee can score from 0 to 40 and the interview is considered passed if the applicant earns at least 21 out of 40 available points. For applicants living outside Italy, we aim to hold a virtual admission interview following established standards and procedures in order to verify the identity of individuals. The person (applicant) must provide original documents (not copies) to prove their identity.
In case two or more applicants have equal ranking scores, the tie for their ranking position will be resolved in favour of the applicant with the best research proposal evaluation score. If the best research proposal evaluation scores are also equal, then the fellowship will be awarded to the youngest candidate.
The Administration will notify the ten winners of the fellowship by registered mail using the address indicated in the application form or by certified email.
The winners will be required to send the requested declarations of acceptance to the Administration within ten days of the receipt of the notification and will subsequently be required to enter into a contract pursuant to art. 7 of the call for applications.
The fellowship cannot be supplemented with funding from other awards or other types of financial aid, except for those established for integration of stays abroad, neither with other collaboration contracts nor with income from freelance activities carried out continuously. Extra-university activities as speaker in seminars, conferences, or publishing activities and limited activities of self-employed work are compatible with the fellowship in agreement with the Scientific Coordinator and with the authorization of the Department Council.
Key areas of responsibilities of the postdoctoral research awardees are the following:
The yearly gross amount of the fellowship will be 30.000,00 Euro. The amount includes expenses for industrial accident insurance and public liability insurance as well as social security contributions required by law to be paid by the University. The amount is paid in monthly postponed installments.
Declarations and certifications of acceptance must be sent by registered mail with the receiver's signed receipt attached (the stamp and date of the post office will be considered for verification purposes) within ten days from the communication date or sent to the address or brought directly to the appropriate office.
The winners will be asked to sign the contract and agree to collaborate on a defined collaborative research project, which will start from the first day of the month following the signature, unless a justified request of exception by the applicant has been formulated in agreement with the Scientific Coordinator and the hosting department, and the request should not exceed 90 days.
For non-EU citizens, the fellowship will start after obtaining the appropriate visa and the actual beginning of the research activity.
If the contract is not signed within the established deadline the winner shall lose every right to make use of the fellowship.
The information provided here is a summary of the main rules and requirements for ‘SeedTalent’ @UNITUS Grants postdoctoral fellowships and who can apply for them.
The University of Tuscia will commit itself to respect the terms of confidentiality of the information provided by the applicant as “all provided information will be handled confidentially for the purposes of this selection procedure only”.
Please contact us at
The General Director
Avv. Alessandra Moscatelli
The University of Tuscia, founded in Viterbo in 1979, has rapidly developed to become a reference place for education and learning, offering course...
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