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Det er ledig en 3-årig stipendiatstilling ved Institutt for sosialfag. Stillingen er knyttet til tematikk om sosialt arbeid og kollektiv handling. Tiltredelse i stillingen forutsetter opptak på dok...
Doctoral Programme of Social and Behavioural Sciences (DPSoc) at the University of Turku invites applications for contract-based, fixed term doctoral researcher positions from 1 January 2025 at the...
Radcliffe fellows are exceptional scientists, writers, scholars, public intellectuals, and artists whose work is making a difference in their professional fields and in the larger world.Based in Radcliffe Yard—a sanctuary in the heart of Harvard U...
The Graduate School of Social Sciences (G3S) at the University of Basel provides the institutional framework for all graduate programs within the Department of Social Sciences. The working lan-guag...
Ref no: ORU 2.1.1-05589/2024We are looking for a research assistant (amanuens) in psychology for a fixed-term position at the School of Behavioural, Social and Legal SciencesBackgroundThe division of psychology at Örebro University is part of the ...
Description du poste Postdoc / Postdoc description Département / Department : Unité / Unit : Center for African StudiesUniversité / University : Mohammed VI Polytechnic University Durée / Duration : years starting ----- Intitulé de l’offre ...
The Finnish Institute for Educational Research is seeking to recruita Postdoctoral Researcher in research on cultural literacy and social inclusionstarting November 1, 2024 (or as agreed) until Dec...
The University | About us...The University of Luxembourg is an international research university with a distinctly multilingual and interdisciplinary character. The University was founded in 2003 a...
→ Apply before 11/09/2024 (DD/MM/YYYY) 23:59 (Brussels Time)→ Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences→ Department: PP04 - Sociaal Werk en Sociale Pedagogiek→ Occupancy rate: 10%→ Number of positions: 1→ Type of employment: Contract of...
Why the American University of Iraq—Baghdad?Opening its doors in January 2021, the new American University of Iraq—Baghdad (AUIB) began as a dream of influential individuals in Iraqi and United States business, industry and government who wanted t...
Ved Institutt for sosialfag er det ledig en til to 100 % vikariater som universitetslektor i barnevern og sosialt arbeid fram til 31.07.25.Med beliggenhet i Oslo sentrum har studiet storbyen som ar...
The University | About us...The University of Luxembourg aspires to be a world-class research university. It strives for excellence in both fundamental and applied research, and in education. It dr...
VISTA la Legge 9 maggio 1989, n. 168 concernente, tra l’altro, l’autonomia delle Università; VISTA la Legge 7 agosto 1990, n. 241 e successive modificazioni ed integrazioni, recante nuove norme in materia di procedimento amministrativo e di diritt...