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Jönköping University

Jönköping University

Jönköping University is a young professional-oriented university characterised by a high degree of internationalization, an entrepreneurial spirit and extensive collaboration with surrounding society.
About the University

Jönköping University attracts well-qualified, inventive and enterprising staff from around the world. Our employees work within a variety of areas and their knowledge base derives from all corners of the globe. A great collective expertise is found at our university. New students, expert researchers, doctoral students with a thirst for knowledge and skilful administrative staff are all brought together at our campus. Together, we work towards the same vision. We develop new knowledge and share our expertise through solid collaborations with industry and business, the public sector and other higher education institutions. Jönköping University provides numerous professional development opportunities and helps to build your future in the most successful way. On our campus you will find our four schools: School of Education and Communication, School of Health and Welfare, Jönköping International Business School and School Engineering.


School of Engineering

The School of Engineering in Jönköping is one of the country’s largest educators of university engineers. We collaborate with the business community in the region so that students receive an education adapted to the needs of the market. Therefore, our educations include not only technical knowledge but also entrepreneurship, leadership, communication, sustainable development and the opportunity to make international contacts during the study period.

Jönköping International Business School

Jönköping International Business School (JIBS) is one of four schools within Jönköping University. We offer an international and team-oriented workplace with competitive education programmes, a thriving research environment, and opportunities for personal development. At JIBS, you will meet a stimulating atmosphere, supporting you to make vital contributions in our teaching, research, and service activities.

Jönköping University as a workplace

We are proud to offer our employees a secure employment with good conditions and benefits. We offer flexible working hours, which makes it possible for our staff to combine a successful professional life with a full private life.

All JU employees enjoy a host of benefits. These are only some of them:

  • Agreements regarding working hours. As for instance, annual working hours, flexible working hours with a generous framework, working hours in confidence etc., depending on your role
  • Wellness and fitness activities subsidy
  • Increasing number of holiday days (28 days until the year you turn 29, 31 days from the year you turn 30 and 35 days from the year you turn 40)
  • Possibility to choose salary sacrifice to pension schemes
  • Healthcare compensation and medication subsidy
  • Additional parental leave pay
  • Possibility of absence with no salary deduction (applicable to certain types of events/activities, regulated in the collective agreement)

Professional development
When our employees develop, so does JU. All professional development at Jönköping University is based on the strategies and needs stated in the operational plans of each school and department. Professional development of our staff is vital and constitutes an important factor in the university´s ability to take on future challenges in a successful way.

International exchange
All JU employees have the opportunity to take part in international exchange through the Erasmus+ scholarship programme. To visit a foreign higher education institution is an excellent way to get new ideas and develop in your professional role. We encourage our employees to take the opportunity and exchange ideas and experiences with European colleagues, and at the same time develop their expertise in an international environment.

Introduction of new employees
When you arrive at a new workplace, it is essential that you feel welcome and receive an early introduction to your new tasks and new employer. Therefore, JU offers an introduction process to make new employees feel welcome and relaxed in their new environment, but also to make them feel as an active participant already from the start. The introduction process also includes the planning of your continued professional development.

Living in Jönköping

Jönköping is strategically located between the three largest cities in Sweden and it belongs to a region where entrepreneurship and collaboration in its many forms are highly valued.

Situated on the shores of lake Vättern, Jönköping offers the possibility to enjoy both city life and the beautiful Swedish nature. The city has an excellent growth and looks towards the future with new investments that involve key actors in all parts of society. Over 133,300 people inhabit the municipality of Jönköping and there are about 12,593 registered companies (facts provided by Jönköping Municipality).