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LUT University

LUT University

At Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology LUT, we blaze the trail and create new things through science.
Funding; Financing for 2022:
Ministry of Education basic financing / Supplementary financing
Academic Staff
LUT research focuses on topical issues requiring action. We seek solutions to get climate change under control, to promote wind and solar power, for the recycling of nutrients and waste, for the continued access to clean water and energy, and for sustainable business activities.
Our strengths are an understanding of the system level of energy systems, the digital design and production of machinery and equipment, as well as demanding metal structures, especially in Arctic conditions. Green chemistry, separation technique, and scientific calculation are special strengths of ours.
We also produce new methods for refining data faster and with greater versatility. In an increasingly digital world, value-added is created through software which is capable of combining data and services in new ways that have not been seen before.
The LUT community shares a certain attitude and state of mind. We do things differently. We look at things from unexpected perspectives, we question, and we search for solutions. We fight for a better world – for all that is good.

Science is characterised by openness, subjection to criticism, and development. In its strategy, LUT is committed to the promotion of open science. Open science and the different ways to implement it – open access to research data, publications, research processes and research methods – provide many advantages for the researcher. Publications are demonstrably cited more and receive more attention through open access publishing, the social media, and open access research data. Openness increases the societal impact and possibility for innovations. LibGuide is a guide to open science. There are six steps.

  1. Preparation of the research and a research plan
  2. Conducting research
  3. Publishing and protecting research results and output
  4. Publishing
  5. Ensuring and maintaining the value of research results
  6. Utilisation of research

One of the goals of open science is the utilisation of prior research. Before you start your own project, remember to obtain the rights or authorisations to utilise the research data of others. If many researchers have contributed to the study, each one has a copyright. If an author grants an outsider the right to utilise his or her research results, the author must verify that he or she is entitled to do so. For example, consent from all authors must be secured before concluding an agreement with a publisher, unless a separate agreement on the matter has already been made.


LUT research focuses on topical issues requiring action. We seek solutions to get climate change under control, to promote wind and solar power, for the recycling of nutrients and waste, for the continued access to clean water and energy, and for sustainable business activities.

Our strengths are an understanding of the system level of energy systems, the digital design and production of machinery and equipment, as well as demanding metal structures, especially in Arctic conditions. Green chemistry, separation technique, and scientific calculation are special strengths of ours.

We also produce new methods for refining data faster and with greater versatility. In an increasingly digital world, value-added is created through software which is capable of combining data and services in new ways that have not been seen before.


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