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Silicon Austria Labs (SAL)

Flere steder Graz, Republic of Austria
Linz, Republic of Austria
Villach, Republic of Austria
Besøk nettside

Om arbeidsgiveren

Silicon Austria Labs (SAL) is Austria's top re­search center for elec­tronic based systems (EBS). At three loca­tions (Graz, Villach, Linz), around 270 employees are working on future-oriented solu­tions for indus­trial produc­tion, health, energy, mobi­lity, safety and more. SAL brings toge­ther key players from industry, science and re­search and thus valuable exper­tise and know-how and conducts coope­ra­tive, appli­ca­tion-oriented re­search along the EBS value chain. Coope­ra­tive projects (in accor­dance with Euro­pean state aid law) are co-financed by SAL and enable a fast and unbu­reau­cratic project start. SAL is thus shaping the high-tech loca­tion Austria and Europe and deve­lo­ping the future - "UNFOLD THE FUTURE".

Flere jobber fra denne arbeidsgiveren

Viser jobber på Engelsk, Svensk, Norsk, Dansk Endre innstillinger

Arbeidsgivers plassering

Oppdag lignende arbeidsgivere

TU Wien Republic of Austria 13 åpne stillinger
MCI Entrepreneurial School® Republic of Austria 8 åpne stillinger
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology Republic of Austria 6 åpne stillinger
St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences Sankt Pölten, Republic of Austria 5 åpne stillinger
Modul University Vienna Republic of Austria 3 åpne stillinger
Flere arbeidsgivere

Interessante artikler

Cracking the Code on Computing Education Free University of Bozen - Bolzano 4 min lesning
Speeding Up DNA Analysis With String Algorithms Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI) 4 min lesning
Conserving Coral Reefs: The Backbone of Marine Biodiversity NIOZ Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research 4 min lesning
The Tiny Algae That Fuel The Marine Food Chain NIOZ Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research 4 min lesning
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