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University of Eastern Finland

Flere steder Joensuu, Finland
Kuopio, Finland
Besøk nettside

Om arbeidsgiveren


The University of Eastern Finland is the most multidisciplinary university in Finland. Our high standard of interdisciplinary research and education respond to global challenges and build a sustainable future. Our research is ranked among the best in the world in several fields. We offer education in nearly 100 major subjects and we train experts for tomorrow’s changing labour market needs. 

The University of Eastern Finland was established in 2010, following a decision by the University of Joensuu (est. 1969) and the University of Kuopio (est. 1972) to join forces in a merger. The university comprises four faculties: the Philosophical Faculty, the Faculty of Science, Forestry and Technology, the Faculty of Health Sciences, and the Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies. Our campuses are located in Joensuu and Kuopio. 

Campuses and facilities

Our campuses are located by Savilahti bay in Kuopio, and right by the city centre in Joensuu. By clicking on the links below, you’ll find more information about our campus cities and campus areas, our seminar and lecture rooms, campus restaurants, how to find us and where to stay during your visit.

Joensuu Campus

The Joensuu Campus is compact and easy to access. The campus is located right by the city centre, making it easy to pop out to run errands even during the day.

Kuopio Campus

The Kuopio Campus is located in beautiful surroundings, right by a lake at the Savilahti area. The city centre is only a short walk away from the campus.

Sustainability and responsibility

Our activities are guided by ethicality and Sustainable Development Goals. We foster sustainability and responsibility in our research, education and partnerships. At UEF, sustainable development covers all its dimensions: environmental, social, economic and cultural sustainability.

Arbeidsgivers plassering

Oppdag lignende arbeidsgivere

Tampere University Tammerfors, Finland 30 åpne stillinger
University of Turku Finland 15 åpne stillinger
University of Oulu Finland 14 åpne stillinger
LUT University Finland 14 åpne stillinger
Flere arbeidsgivere

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