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NHH Norwegian School of Economics

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Sobre el empleador

NHH Norwegian School of Economics is a Triple Crown accredited business school and among the best-ranked institutions in Europe, founded in 1936. NHH has around 400 employees.


As a Triple Crown accredited business school, NHHs researchers publish regularly in top-international journals in their field. The EQUIS (European Quality Improvement System) accreditation reinforces a strongly held belief that excellence in research is a prerequisite for excellence in teaching.  The vast majority of the academic staff hold PhDs, and the faculty includes NHH Alumni and Nobel Prize Laureate in Economics, Professor Finn E. Kydland.

The PhD programme at NHH is a three or four-year fully-funded programme, which combines an intensive course component with research and relevant work experience, preparing the school’s graduates for scholarly positions at recognised international institutions and positions in knowledge-intensive institutions and firms outside of academia. Former PhD graduates have been hired by renowned academic institutions, as well as in the government, banking, finance and consulting industries.

As a PhD Research Scholar and a member of our faculty you will be included in a stimulating and rewarding research environment, working closely with faculty member and other PhD Research Scholars. We facilitate research periods abroad and participation in international conferences and networks. 

Information about admission to the PHD Programme can be found here

Read stories by PhD graduates from NHH here.

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